Looking Back, Looking Forward

Ladies and gentlemen, my year, in numbers:

  • Took 6 classes totalling 17 credits
  • Made 127 weblog posts, an average of 2 a week
  • Email:
    • Received 184210 emails
    • 111749 were marked as spam - this is an average of 1 spam every 5 minutes
    • Compressed, my 2004 email takes up 620 megabytes
    • 383 megabytes of this is spam
  • Garnered $16000 in income (after taxes)
  • Spent nearly $8000 on rent
  • Spent an average of $12.15 per day on dining out
  • Was the TA for no less than 200 students
  • Most importantly, found the love of my life, and spent a wonderful 8 months with her, with hopes of many more

These are of course just the numbers that I thought were important and could say off the top of my head. Lots has happened since last I wrote - classes ended with a horrendous final, I finished my project. Diana and I went to christmas with both my family, and extended family, and she gave me the greatest gift I can remember. Having her come to christmas and meet my family made me realize just how much I love her. We also drove from Iowa to Indiana in order for her family to meet me. The trip would have not been made except that my parents place is very close to about half-way between the Twin Cities and Indiana, so it was much more convenient to go see them.

The biggest change in my life is that Diana is moving into the apartment. We discussed this at length and both agreed we wanted to live together, both acknowledging that Diana could have easily moved into other apartments that she was looking at. Being together for only 8 months, we’re both a little scared about it, but it has gone swimmingly so far. The eternal pessimist in me has setup a monthly budget set-aside just in case of hard times. The process of moving her in has been stretched out over most of the month of January. We’ll probably hold a housewarming party around the middle of February. This, work, and eternally waiting for the maintenance guy at my apartment has been taking up most of my time.
