Random Technological Stuff

Programming, windows style

I’m now in the thick of a bunch of win32 programming at my Honeywell part-time job. I don’t mind it that much, but I continue to be amazed that Microsoft’s IDE is still the one used most often. The autocompletion is nice, but that’s about the only good thing about it. I am continually annoyed that the IDE doesn’t know which definition of a function I want to use, and only seems to pop up it’s hints when it decides. Add this to the fact that most win32 libraries aren’t apparently setup in a way so you can put their source in the repository, and I have a lot of admin work which I’m not particularly thrilled to do. 10% programming, 90% random crap. I’m beginning to understand why the average lines of code per day is so low. I can’t really complain that much though, I knew the tools we’d be using when I accepted the job.

Programming, rails style

I have been working with Ruby on Rails lately, mostly to make some new web applications which aren’t released yet. Things which are possibly in the works:

  • MoneyDelta - credit card and savings balance tracker - figures out how much money you are making (or losing) each day based on how the interest is actually calculated. In the end it will probably have a little graph and possibly small things you can do in order to avoid interest and how much you would save in the long run.
  • DeadSimpleCMS - CMS built mostly for Diana’s use. It lets you specify layouts (not done yet) and content which goes into the layouts. In a very very early stage of development, but it is actually live on a site right now. As the name would imply, the point is to be very simple.
  • Gathr - scholarly conference management software. Accepts papers, assigns reviewers based on degrees of connection to avoid conflicts of interest, generally tries to make the whole conference thing easier.

I also have a couple of smaller applications which won’t really go anywhere, and an internal application upgrade from php. I really enjoy building web applications in the Rails framework, and I have honed my skills at Ruby enough that I actually use it for small scripts when I get frustrated with bash. I tend to do my Ruby Coding in TextMate and with Locomotive on the iBook, although I may do some on the Debian machine soon.
